Ch. Judy Of Jolihem

Ch. Judy of Jolihem


Ch. Judy Of Jolihem

DOB: 18/4/81
Gained title: 1983 (6 CCs)
Sex: Bitch

Goldwyns Golden Lad

Ch. Red Rum
Star Prize
Emma Of Gal
Ch. Frolbecca Fire Raiser
Astaff Red Jade


Ch. Judy Of Jolihem as a Junior.

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Interesting Facts:
  • Amber was co-owned by Sarah and Lionel Hemstock. Amber was line bred to Ch. Jolihem Dreadnought through Ch. Red Rum, Ch. Frolbecca Fire Raiser (son of Ringmaster) and Ch. Pitbull Red Regent.
  • She was mated to Ch. Redstaff King and produced CC winners Jolihem Ironmaster and Jolihem Wild Rose. She also produced several other Stud Book number winners including Jolihem Iron Maiden. Unfortunately, Jolihem Wild Rose was killed in a car accident at only 2 years of age.
  • Amber won 6 CCs under: I. Davidson (SKC, 1982), J. Parsons (WELKS, 1983), S. Davis (Southern Counties CS, 1983), H. A. Dunn (Blackpool, 1983), L. Atkinson (Leeds, 1983), F. Phillips (Richmond, 1983)
  • PHPV & HC clear.
Amber was crazy. She was a complete seeker of attention. She would sit on her haunches and wave her paws at whoever she wanted to attract, and if that didn't work she would run and stand in front of them, stomp her feet and yell. She only had eyes for people and wasn't at all interested in other dogs. When in the show ring if Amber didn't think the judge had looked at her for long enough in the final line up she would shriek (she had to make eye contact)!!
Staffords are incredibly strong for their size, Amber was compact and muscular and was exceptionally strong, even for a Stafford - she could easily pull you towards anything she wanted to investigate. She always pulled on the lead and no matter what training technique you used she would just carry on pulling.
Amber was totally reliable off the lead even though she suffered from temporary deafness (all Stafford owners have experienced this in their pets at one time or another). She would run in a completely straight line, and no matter how hard you shouted her back, her temporary deafness would kick in and she wouldn't take any notice of you at all. However, when she decided to come back, she would turn round and run in a completely straight line back to you. 
Amber lost her cool with other dogs on only two occasions in her life. Her normal response to "mouthy" dogs in the show ring was to stare at them until they shut up and couldn't face her any more.  However, on one occasion, Becky (Ch. Jolihem Wildfire) - who was very fiery - tried to jump on the back seat of the car and Amber didn't want her there, Amber just stared and Becky backed down immediately - this was funny because we had all assumed that Becky was the boss.
Amber was slightly older than Becky and Becky helped Amber out when she had her first litter, in fact Becky totally took over the pups when they were about 8 weeks old. One day, when Becky was out at a show, Amber had really had enough of the pups (Jolihem Ironmaster - Crib  and Jolihem Sun Princess - Polly) and had got out of their way under the dinning table. The pups just wouldn't leave her alone and were trying to coax her out. Suddenly, Amber changed from a sweat, loving mother into the Alien Queen. The transformation was instant and complete. She "gnashed" at them, her skin so tight over her face that all you could make out were teeth - large, white and menacing. Crib was so shocked that he cartwheeled backwards and shrieked out of the room. Polly, a little braver than Crib, walked backwards - very slowly - then turned round and then ran. Her objective achieved, Amber returned to her normal self and gave her paws a good wash. Crib and Polly never tried to play with her again - they always waited until Amber approached them.
Her son, Crib (not a bright fellow), was always on the defensive with other dogs. He had a "what are you staring at?" kind of attitude. He would go all stiff-legged and start strutting and if nobody intervened it was obvious that there would be trouble. When he was in one of these moods only Amber would approach him, she would just walk right up and lick his face and then knock him out of the way. Crib would respond by calming down and wagging his tail.
She was a truly remarkable bitch.