Ch. Jolihem Wildfire

Ch. Jolihem Wildfire


Ch. Jolihem Wildfire

DOB: 19/4/82
Gained title: 1984 (6 CCs)
Sex: Bitch

Ch. Jokartan Royal Tan

Ch. Jolihem Ringmaster
Brocliffe Bountiful
Boadicia Of Jolihem
Goldwyn Golden Lad
Jayeme Red Ryha

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Ch. Jolihem Wildfire as a Junior.

Interesting Facts:
  • Becky was "M" line bred on her Sire's side, through Jolihem Adonis, Ch. Wychbury Kimbo & Ch. Widneyland Kim (via Ch. Jolihem Dreadnought - Grandsire & Great Grandsire of Ch. Jokartan Royal Tan). Ch. Jolihem Dreadnought and Ch. Jolihem Ringmaster are still a potent force today and form the centre of many breeding programmes - although many Stafford breeders today are astonishingly unaware of this !! (See line breeding). Today's top winning dog, Ch. Domino Flashy Lad, goes back to this line through an unbroken line of Champion Sires - as does Ch. Nordic Chief, Ch. Highland Dream, Maktoum Yacht Master of Jolihem and Jolihem The Lad Himself (Wildfire's son). This list is not exhaustive and doesn't include the related bitches.  
  • Becky was co-owned by Sarah and Lionel Hemstock.
  • Becky won a total of 6 CC's under H. Dunn (Birmingham, 1984), J. Parsons (Southern Counties, 1984), B. Grattage (East of England, 1984), A. Mitchell (Midland Counties, 1984), C. Sutton (National Terrier, 1985), and F. Burford (Three Counties, 1985). She also won numerous RCC's.
  • She was mated to Ch. Tridwr Dicey Riley and produced Jolihem The Lad Himself (CC winner) and Jolihem Bitter Sweat (Stud Book Number winner).
  • PHPV & HC clear
Wildfire by name and Wildfire by nature !!
Becky was bossy and eager to please. When we were shows she would try to herd us together, and any dog that tried to muscle in on our "pack" soon regretted it !!