Moon Coin Of Jolihem

Moon Coin of Jolihem


Ch. Jolihem Ringmaster

DOB: July 1991
Sex: Bitch

Robar Red Ace

Ch. The Malasser Mauler
Cassanova Red
Jolihem The Equalizer

Nancy & Barney on the beech


Nancy aged 5

Barney, Gnasher, Nancy & Agnes

Moon Coin Of Jolihem

Interesting Facts:
  • Nancy was "M" line bred on both sire & dams pedigree (JOLIHEM THE EQUALIZER was sired by Ch. Tridwr Dicey Riley out of Ch. Jolihem Wildfire). Nancy's Grandsire was Ch. The Malasser Mauler - litter brother to Ch. Redstaff King, who's sire was Ch. Jokartan Royal Tan, whos sire was Ch. Jolihem Ringmaster. Through Ringmaster & Dreadnought, Ch. Tridwr Dicey Riley had an unbroken line of Champion sires all the way back to Wheatley Lad (a grandson of Brindle Mick - the sire of the breeds first Champion, Gentleman Jim).
  • Nancy was not shown much due to a run-in with a greenhouse she had as a puppy. From the age of 9 months she was almost blind in her left eye.
  • Nancy was owned jointly by Sarah and Jo Hemstock.
  • PHPV & HC Clear. Nancy has never been bred from.
  • Nancy measures 14 inch at the shoulder and weighs 30 pounds.
Nancy was one of Jo's favorite bitches - she had a unique character & never left Jo's side (except when Sarah was home when Jo would call her "My Little Traitor"!). 
Nancy is accident prone - probably because she is a very curious and has to explore anything new, she also has a great sense of fun. Nancy has survived falling through a greenhouse (how she climbed up there nobody knows), falling down 2 flights of stairs after an attempt at catching flies went badly wrong (!), and she had to have an emergency tracheotomy after getting a grass seed stuck in her throat. She has spent more time at the vets than any other dog I have ever owned.

Nancy is also the most defiant dog in the world. If she wants something she will have it and her memory is far better than yours! Nancy also "nags" if she wants your dinner or your cup of tea she will sit looking at you and crying until you give in. She is very intelligent, but insists on doing her own thing - she is not interested in trying to please you in the slightest - unless there is something in it for her. She is very calculating & will always weigh up whether or not the crime is worth the punishment - & it usually is. Nancy is a skillful and cunning thief but she always manages to make you laugh. Easy pickings include the fridge, oven, cooker hob, bedside table, kitchen cupboards, waste bins, and un-attended shopping bags. She always looks full of remorse when caught red-pawed, but the minute she sees an opportunity she will take it!
Nancy is usually the main culprit for steeling food out of pans left on the hob. She came unstuck one day however, when a pan full of stew
disappeared without trace (or almost without trace). After I had shouted at Nancy and not given her her dinner, I found that Agnes had gravy stuck in her beard - but the real giveaway was that Agnes was so full from stew that she couldn't eat her dinner. Poor Nancy had been shouted at & gone hungry for nothing (well, almost nothing - as I am sure that Nancy had given Agnes the idea in the first place).