Jolihem Painted Lady

Costs of keeping a dog

Jolihem Painted Lady


The average life span of most breeds of dog is 14 years. That means a long term commitment. All the costs given below are estimates - the actual cost of your individual dog may be less, or much, MUCH more. Although dogs appear to be expensive, the costs are spread over the lifetime of the animal, and, in my opinion, the benefits of dog ownership far outweigh the monetary cost.

Feeding: to provide a healthy diet for a medium sized dog will cost an average of £1 per day. Over the life time of the dog this amounts to a total of: £5,113 !!

A pedigree puppy will cost between £350-500 on average.

Over the lifetime of the dog you should expect to spend £560 on vaccinations and preventative medicine.

Over the lifetime of the dog you should expect to spend £1400 on pet insurance. This will not cover all veterinary expenses since most insurance policies expect you to pay an excess. Additional vets fees may account for at least £1000 over the lifetime of the dog, travel costs will be in the region of an additional £200.

Boarding fees, for holidays and other unavoidable events - £1000 (at least!).

Bedding, leads, toys, etc..£200.

The minimum estimate for the "Cost of your 14 year commitment" is: £8,823 !!! And that isn't taking into account any wrecked furniture, chewed up carpets, additional garden landscaping or dog shows!!

Total Minimum Estimated Cost =
Are you sure you are ready for that 14 year commitment??